In work place, pleasing your superior is un-written rule you can’t avoid. You have to follow his order no matter how trivial it may be. You may be awarded short term perk and financial gain. But in long run, you are compelled to live Dog-life. You remain underdog and fall under haves’ not community. You start suffering identity crisis. You make full effort to please him, but he doesn’t leave a single chance to humiliate you. Many a times, he humiliates in such a manner it seems he is appreciating you. But in real sense, he makes mockery of you. He is fooling you. He is taking advantage of your innocence.
You want promotion, growth, appreciation and above all good working ambiance. He demands dedication from you. He always put situation. “You do this for me, I give you promotion” It is like as if “Give me blood, and I will give you independence.” You end up becoming puppet in his hand.
If you refuse to surrender yourself, then be ready to face his personnel grudges. Every other minute, he starts pointing out your mistake no matter how minor they are. He puts question mark over your abilities. Till now you have been feeling proud of your limited abilities, but he is making you realize that you are good for nothing.
So choice is yours. Whether you accept his Talbanised fatwa or go ahead. How your future life would be, is absolutely your decision. Nowadays workplace harassment has been increasing as youngsters are over-ambitious. They can go to any extent to get the luxurious height no matter how unethical it is. In workplace, they unlearn every dam chapter they study in management classes. There is sky like difference in theory and reality. Don’t ever feel happy of your gold medals you achieved in your higher studies. They are mere showpiece, don’t hold any importance for your so-called boss. If you give importance to his personnel ego. If you are specialist in buttering. If you know the art of making false appreciation. You won the half battle. Your promotion is almost secured. You can expect salary hike.
A slogan of ‘Yes Sir’ is still holding its strong roots in Government Offices. If you come office on time, discharge your duties responsibly, take less leaves, blah blah.., your bad boss want more from you. He even utilizes you for his personnel works. You always need to respect his personnel whim and fancy. He doesn’t think about company’s profit-loss. He prioritizes his personnel profit-loss. Here you are are loser and your boss earns profit.
When you begin your day, you suffer Red-Tapism. Works are pending. Your boss says you are responsible for the delay.You are full of responsibility but without authority. If you do something which is profitable for the company, credit goes to boss. If something wrong happens, you are to be blamed. Higher authority might pose question mark over the management of the company , but your boss get angry with you and vent out his frustration on you. So always ready to face personnel grudges. In the name of protocol maintaining, he might hide several things which you are entitled to. You would not be allowed to know the exact truth. You would be mere follower. Your bad boss will never encourage you to lead the path.
Your boss know the art of blame-game. He doesn’t give importance to innovation. Actually he is just a manager. He knows how to manage bad things, corrupt practices, malpractices. He is not interested in reforming the system. This is not because he is satisfied with the system but he is selfish. He laughs at you when you speak about reforms, changes and innovations. He makes an impression that you are fool and lagging behind in the corporate race. Actually he himself suffers from feeling of insecurity. His insecurity is lest you progresses and reach the position better than him.
We office mongers (Both Boss and Assistant) are gossip-mongers We discuss problems. We play our part of blame game. Those who knows the solution, doesn’t have authority. Those who have authority, doesn’t know the solution. Twain shall not meet. You know! Ego Problem.Why should I? Both know the fact that official responsibility is collective responsibility. But no one is ready to accept the responsibility. I will add new word “Non takence of responsibility”. Who will be the problem-solver. Who has the the magic wand of solution. So files are pending. Common men are worst sufferer. They fail to understand the red Tapism.
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